ARTICLE LENGTH: Full-length research article should not exceed 5,000 — 6,000 words (excluding figures, tables and references) but not exceed 12 pages. The word limit can be relaxed in the case of high-quality articles based on the decision of the editorial board. Book reviews are expected to be within 2,000 words.

FORMAT: Submissions should be made in standard Microsoft Word format with 1.5 line spacing in Times New Roman with a font size of 12 point. All accepted articles will be correctly formatted for publication. PDF as a sole file type is not accepted.

The text of the article should include the following:

  • Title: It should be between 8-10 words, specific with no abbreviations.
  • Structured abstract: Set it out under – purpose, research methodology, findings, limitations, industry implications, social implications and originality. Maximum between 200-250 words.
  • Keywords: Short keywords should be appropriate, search engine friendly, and not exceeding 5 - 8 words.
  • Main text: It should be broadly divided into sections as follows: 
  1. Introduction: should contain the scope of the study, pertinent literature review, and research gap.
  2. Research Design/ Methodology: should provide a clear justification on respondents’ profile, sampling technique, data analysis technique, and source of data collection.
  3. Data Analysis: should be explained comprehensively with required figures and tables.
  4. Results and Discussion: the outcome of the study should be logically acceptable with the existing body of knowledge.
  5. Suggestions and Conclusion: suggestions should be constructive, valid and appropriate. The conclusion statement should contain a summary of key arguments/findings and a short discussion of the implication of research undertaken towards industry and society.
  • Headings :
    Main headings: should be presented in bold and 14 font size.
    Sub-headings: should be presented in bold and 12 font size.
  • Figures and Tables: Figures should have distinct numbering and labelling. Tables should be part of the main body of the article. Ensure the explanation of any asterisks and superscripts are mentioned in tables or figures in footnotes. Sources of the figures and tables should be mentioned at the end.
  • Endnotes/Footnotes: Use them, only if it is not avoidable. It must be identified in the text by numbers enclosed in the square bracket and listed at the end of the page.
  • Reference : Use the American Psychological Association reference system (latest edition) for citations in the text with the detailed alphabetical list at the end of the article. Ensure that all works cited in the manuscript are part of the Reference section.

PLAGIARISM: The article should be free of Plagiarism.

Instructions for Authors:

  • Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published nor are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The completely re-written conference papers may be submitted with written permissions obtained from copyright holders of the original paper/ conference organizers.
  • All correspondence will be addressed to the first author of the article.
  • Manuscripts containing any information not available in the public domain or with rights reserved by a professional body should be accompanied by written permission from the concerned organization.
  • If accepted for publication, authors are expected to transfer their copyrights to SJCC. The copyright form will be made available to authors after acceptance of their article for publication.

Submission Check-List:

  • Please make sure that authors' names are not included in the document/file properties.
  • Acknowledgements should be avoided.
  • Separate page containing the title of the paper, author(s) name, affiliations, postal address, and e-mail address for correspondence should be attached with each manuscript.
  • Language check and spell check the manuscripts properly.
  • Article should be written in English.
  • Since it is a blind peer-reviewed journal, it takes 2 to 3 months for publication.

Submission Process:

Note: Under the waiver policy, we don’t charge any article processing fee or publication fee from authors to publish their articles. The authors will get one complimentary copy for their contribution to the journal.

The last date for manuscript submission is 10th November 2022.

The Managing Editor
SJCC Management Research Review
Research Centre, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)
#163, Brigade Road, Bengaluru— 560 025. India,
Email ID:
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